Sunday, 27 November 2011


Model: Aiden
Used for: Newborn, Portraiture, Lifestyle, Halloween, Christmas
Model Type: Freelance
Actual Profession: Being a boy...

Shot at V22 Photography Studios in Merritt, British Columbia, CANADA
Camera: Canon 60D Camera
Studio Lights:  Alienbees B800 Flash Units x 2

Shot at V22 Photography Studios in Merritt, British Columbia, CANADA
Camera: Canon 60D Camera
Studio Lights:  Alienbees B800 Flash Units x 2
1.  Father & Son in Studio (September 2010)
2.  Brothers in Studio on White Backdrop, Isolated Image (December 2010)
3.  Grandmother and Grandson in Living Room Setting (May 2011)

Shot at V22 Photography Studios in Merritt, British Columbia, CANADA
Camera: Canon 60D Camera
Studio Lights:  Alienbees B800 Flash Units x 2
1 & 2:  Pumpkin Boy  Halloween Costume in Studio on White Backdrop, Isolated Image
3:  Teddy Bear Baby in Studio against Baby Blue Background color.

Shot at V22 Photography Studios in Merritt, British Columbia, CANADA
Camera: Canon 60D Camera
Studio Lights:  Alienbees B800 Flash Units x 2
1:  Shot in Garden
2:  Bath Fun in Studio on White Backdrop, Isolated Image
3:  Portraiture in Studio on White Backdrop, Isolated Image

Shot at V22 Photography Studios in Merritt, British Columbia, CANADA
Camera: Canon 60D Camera
Studio Lights:  Alienbees B800 Flash Units x 2
1 & 2 & 3:  Christmas 2011 Shoot in Studio on White Backdrop, Isolated Image.

1 comment:

  1. You certainly understand and know how to photograph babies and tiny tots. Taking photos of this passive and active little photo subject, must have been great fun and very rewarding! I love the little lines on his hands in the very first baby photo.
